3.9 Escape device. Each vault door shall have an escape device which shall be permanently installed on the inside face of the door. The device shall permit ready escape for persons locked inside the vault area. Access to the device shall only be from the inside the vault, and its design shall be such that under normal operating conditions it can not be activated from the outside. A decal shall be permanently affixed to the inside face of the door frame outlining, in easily read letters, completely understandable instructions for activating the device to open the door. Neither
the design of the device nor its installation shall affect the door's resistance to entry techniques. The escape device shall allow the door to be returned to the fully secure condition following egress from the vault. The escape device shall pass the escape device operational test in paragraph
3.10 Optical device. When specified, the door shall have a wide angle optical device. The purchaser should indicate whether the device should permit observation from inside to outside of the vault or vice versa (See 6.2). The optical device shall be installed in such a manner so as not to affect the door's security protection. The device shall be located in the door approximately five feet above the inside vault floor and as close to the center of the door as practicable. However, in no case shall it be closer than 205 mm to the clear opening edge of the door either on the hinged or front edge.
3.11 Lubrication. Moving parts requiring lubrication shall have a permanent type lubricant applied which is suitable to the varied climatic conditions likely to be encountered during the service of the product.
3.12 Pretreatment and finish.
3.12.1 Pretreatment. All exterior and interior ferrous metal surfaces shall be treated for painting in accordance with any type in TT-C-490. Special attention shall be given to the door's interior to assure all welds are clean and that all slag, spatter, and dirt accumulation is removed.
3.12.2 Finish. The final coat used for the finish shall be as specified in and it shall be applied to all exterior and interior metal surfaces except plated metal. The minimum total finished film thickness of the final coat shall be not less than 0.025 mm. The finish shall level out to
produce uniform exposed surfaces without runs, wrinkles, grit, areas of thin or no film, or separation of color. A textured or crinkle finish may be used. Special attention shall be given to insure that all surfaces are adequately protected against rust. The final finish shall withstand the test in without evidence of cracking, flaking, or loss of adhesion of the finish. Two test panels of 0.9 mm thick steel shall be furnished with the sample door for the purpose of the test. One panel shall be prepared to reflect the inner coating and one to reflect the outing coating.
3.12.3 Plating. Bolts, screws, nuts, and similar hardware shall be made to resist rust by electro- galvanizing or by zinc, cadmium, or chromium plating as specified in 3.2.3.
3.13 Labels. Each door furnished under this specification shall bear the applicable labels specified hereunder.
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